Turismo de Aventura en Valle sagrado




 Machu Picchu


We invite you to explore the most famous Inca city of Peru, in our services as a shared or private tour, departing from Cusco and the Sacred Valley. For visiting Cusco is the most unforgettable adventure to tell. Our experience makes us a solid company serving you and your family. Our tours include:

Transfers from the hotel in the Sacred Valley or Cusco city to the station you have chosen from the starting point (Poroy or Ollantaytambo) for your visit to Machu Picchu.

Train service in Vista Done or Expeditions train or according to your choice, from Cusco or Sacred Valley to Aguas Calientes Machu Picchu.

Shared bus. From Aguas Calientes Machu Picchu. Bound for the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu.

Entrance ticket to the archaeological park (only Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu, Machu Picchu or mountain)

Bilingual guides (English or Spanish)


Return transfers from the train station in Cusco or Sacred Valley to your hotel break.

Write us, to send a tourist information according to your needs.




Pisaq Arqueological site and Market:

Located in the upper part of the present town of Pisac, we will visit this beautiful archaeological site. Where we can see Inca terrace that served for agriculture potato, corn, Andean cereals, etc.

Advancing this visit will see the Inca town of Pisac, with houses, streets, the most important part of the town, where the chiefs of the people lived. Also we observe the Inca cemetery, located next to the urban part.

Advancing visit the town of Pisac, by a fairly narrow road we will go to the site of Intihuatana, one of our art and perfection in stonework in this Andean town, which lead us to the most important part of the village: The temples of the Sun and Moon.


It is one of the few Inca towns still preserves its original design. With its perfectly preserved urban area, the streets of this, where they now live the locals. Ollantaytambo comes from the Quechua voices: Ollanta, which is a proper name. In this case the name of an important person, an Inca general who falls in love with an Inca princess, daughter of the most important governor of Peru, with whom he has a daughter. Tambo which means resting place.

Ollantaytambo, is divided into different parts: urban, agricultural, his Inca cemetery, and the religious part. Here we will find the most important temple in the area. Sun Temple, built with huge blocks of stone brought from the quarries that are located across the Vilcanota river. Also we appreciate the temple Condor Temple, the Tunupa which is a character that is carved in the mountains, Also, Colcas located on the slopes of the mountains.




 Maras: Located 40 km. From the city of Cusco, the Sacred Valley of the Incas.


Its occupation began when the Incas Cusco nobles were stripped of their palaces in Qosqo and had to leave to settle in other small towns like Maras. It has a colonial church, called the Church of St. Francis of Assisi, on the outskirts of the city, its mud walls.


Located 7 km. Maras and 38 km. Cusco. It is an archaeological complex comprising several circular platform used to construct in its contours farming terraces with their irrigation canals, is therefore a prototype greenhouse or well advanced biological research station for time helped the American man antiquity mankind inherit 60% of plant products it consumes, the Andean man consumes a thousand and a half of different varieties of potatoes, one hundred and fifty of corn, and many other products.

Salt Mines of Maras:



It known by some as “salt mines” is a spring Saltwater coming from the depths of the earth. They are constituted by about 3000 small grounds, during the dry season are filled or “flood” every 3 days with salt water that comes from this natural spring located at the top of the wells so that when evaporating the water contained salt herein is gradually solidify. This process will continue for about a month until a considerable volume of solid salt, which gives the extract various types of salt, used for industry known “Peruvian Food” as well as for alternative medicine and other alternative uses.



Known as the city of the rainbow. It is located 28 km from the city of Cusco. Flanked by the snow-capped Salkantay, Veronica and Soray. The view from here is stunning to the plains surrounding this town. Chinchero is the most typical village of the Sacred Valley is a town that clearly Incas customs that the European conquerors wanted to change building on the foundations of their temples, a church of baroque tendency is currently attractive for tourism by the artistic richness, cultural shows us of our past.

Today many of these Incas homes, as the agricultural area of this beautiful village is cultivated and inhabited by locals, as well as preserve intact the customs as yarn, the textile, ceramics that show every Sunday in their local markets .Chinchero:

Known as the city of the “Rainbow”. It is located 28 km from the Cusco city. Flanked by the snow-capped:  Salkantay, Veronica and Soray. The view from here is stunning to the plains surrounding this town. Chinchero is the most typical village of the Sacred Valley is a town that clearly Incas customs that the European conquerors wanted to change building on the foundations of their temples, a church of baroque tendency is currently attractive for tourism by the artistic richness, cultural shows us of our past.

Today many of these Incas homes, as the agricultural area of this beautiful village is cultivated and inhabited by locals, as well as preserve intact the customs as yarn, the textile, ceramics that show every Sunday in their local markets .

  • Ending this activity, we will leave in your hotel. This tour includes:
  • Private mobility
  • Bilingual Guide
  • Entrance ticket
  • Lunch alternative






Archaeological site located south of the Cusco city, covering an approximate area of 2,100 hectares, also called the WaterTemple, with harmony to the agricultural area of the monument observed 12 very fertile terraces. Built according to bibliographic information by the Inca Wiracocha. The most impressive of this construction is the irrigation system and how advanced they were in hydraulic engineering that is still preserved for agriculture, which is not only nice to see the water fountains that adorn the landscape of the area, but also the monumental this construction.


Continuing our tour of the south of Cusco, visiting the archaeological monument, given the stunning lagoon jumps Wacarpay, entering strip and see a narrow street that connect with each other, having as destination the main road, we see in the walls there are projecting stones as stairs that lead to the top platform. In addition we observe places, colcas or food stores, homes, temples dedicated to worship, and buildings that were up to 4 stories high.


Finally we reached the village of Andahuaylillas, and visit the most valuable jewel of colonial art and architecture. It is considered the Sictina Chapel of America, because of the quality of colonial works that are therein, by cusqueños artists of the past as ours on the rising trend of the times in America, in the environments remains of Inca walls , they are ostentatious decorations, fresh and impressive pictures.

It notes that construction occurred in two periods which are well defined by our Cusco art of this  beautiful chapel


We are visit the archaeological monuments near Cusco like this:


It is the maximum expression of crossbreeding in the Colonial Peru at the time, its construction lasted 100 years, was built on an Inca Temple in an effort to extirpate idolatry in ancient Peru. Currently you can see paintings of the artistic movement that was born in America with the colony. Canvas from the Cusco School adorning its stone walls, next to the cathedral of Cusco you can see the site of the Saint Inquisition, while the church is accompanied by the company of Jesus.


Temple of the Sun known as the “Qoricancha” originally Inti Cancha is the Inca temple over which was built in the Convent of Santo Domingo. It was known as the Campus de Oro and was a sacred place where he paid homage to the Sun (Inti).


It is located 10 minutes or 2 km from the Cusco city. Sacsayhuaman Temple of Lightning and dedicated to the worship of God Illapa presents a Mega lithic construction with walls of giant rock blocks taken from near the quarries. The area where Sacsayhuaman is located, represents the head of the animal sacred to the Incas, the Puma, which begins the form that once had Cusco

Sacasyhuaman has three clear levels appear defined as we also appreciate the following areas: Area churches, towers, main portal, warehouses. From the location of sacsayhuaman you can see the city of Cusco.


It was a public temple ceremonies, all construction is crafted in a stone block inside it has a sacrificial chamber formed by desks, ceilings, walls, windows, made of  live rock.

This monument is known as the amphitheater, the semicircular shape of the outer building, in the middle of this is part of what was a huaca or a totem, which in the period of the colony was fragmented by eradicators of idolatries, in order to convert to Catholicism.

It is located 15 minutes from the city of Cusco and Sacsayhuaman 5 min.

Puca Pucara

Sacsayhuaman archaeological complex way, is part of the Cusco tour. Its functions and building reasons are not yet known clearly. However, traditional information indicates that when the Inka arrival in Tambo Machay, the court soldiers, dancers, stayed in Pucapukara as a barracks, collective accommodation with food deposit.

The complex has numerous indoors. Aqueducts, roads. For its fortified appearance. The call “fortress”, because of its proximity to Tambo Machay is believed to be related to the defense of the latter citadel. It consists of stairways and windows platforms. Pukapukara means red fortress. It is also said that served as a control center for the people that arrived from antisuyo

Tambomachay: Water cult place surrendered and that the Inca could rest. It also constituted an area of ​​control of persons coming from Antisuyo, because there was no control tower.


Or cave rest. The site was intended for the worship of water, also known as Temple of water by the beautiful water that brings water from a natural spring water, that not even the place of its origin is known. These water sources consist of a series of canals, aqueducts and waterfalls. The curious thing about this major water source Incas created several waterfalls and secondary channels. That is bring the same amount of water, if we put a bottle of water to each waterfall, to be filled simultaneously.

Here there was also a form of royal garden. Whose water came from a complicated system of channels made especially for that function.